diary of a floaty girl.

5 min readSep 15, 2024


Photo by Ashley Bean on Unsplash

Do you know the exact thing you want? Have you decided on the path you want to take in life? Wow, you have? Congratulations! Because some of us are floating. We’re floating on water, air, or any other particulate matter you can think of.

If you listened well in class, Physics I think, You’d know what floating means, I mean I shouldn’t even explain what it means. To be clear that I didn’t just make this word off my head, because most times, I don’t know, I think I just make up words that I think fit the context of what I mean. Yeah so, I Googled what it means for a person to float. It said “moving from one place to another, as in occupation or abode”. Perfect. Sweet. Maybe correct, even. What do I. even mean by “correct”? I mean the almighty search engine can’t be wrong now, Abi?

Another word I discovered in my search is “Buoyant”. I think it means almost the same thing as floating. You know what? Scratch that. That’s not the point of this piece. Post. Letter. Whatever you call it.

Now, back to my first paragraph. Some of us don’t yet know what we want. I mean, just yesterday I was just talking to my friend about not having a hobby. Okay, maybe I do have. I love to read. I love History, and Greek Mythology, if that is even a hobby. But lately, I’ve been feeling like I don’t even know what I like anymore. Ah, I know why. Maybe it’s as a result of me being older now? I mean, I think I’m in my “aunty age” damn. Maybe it’s just hormones? I don’t know.

And yes, I love to write. But is that even what I want to do? I’m so sorry this post, piece, or whatever you want to call it is kind of chaotic, maybe that’s just who I am, a floating person, who doesn’t stay in one place, who’s unsure about a lot of things. Do I even get to be unsure? This is Nigeria, woman! You ain’t got time to be unsure about nothing, time is going.

My feelings are all over the place. That should be an effect of “floaty”. Hi, nice to meet you, my name is the “floaty woman”. Another name for floaty should be “volatile”. If you know English, you should know this one, I’m not explaining.

You don’t know how lucky you are if you knew what you wanted straight off the bat, some of us have to search within ourselves, think about it like there’s no tomorrow, to be able to find just one thing we’re interested in when in truth, we want to do everything. We want a piece of this. A piece of that. A piece of everything. We don’t have preset standards. We don’t even know if we want a 9–5, or a remote job. I know you’re reading this Zee, forgive me. I can’t decide if I want a corporate job or a remote one. Yet, some of you have just always known. Tell me, how does it feel? To know exactly what you want and go for it? That feeling must be heavenly. Some of us have to cross seven seas and mountains to make one single choice. Today, we want this, tomorrow, we want that.

Volatile. That’s the word! Hits the spot mehn. Or fickle. Variable. Fluid. Oh, how I love English. I was once obsessed with the British Empire, you know. It became heightened during Harry and Meghan’s wedding. Oh, poor Meghan. I heard they didn’t treat you so well. What even is the issue with us being Black? Shit. “Us”, native Africans probably look like shit to these people. You know what, let’s worry about that later. That’s not the point of this post, piece, or whatever you want to call it.

Being a volatile person means you can feel okay this minute, or don’t even feel at all next minute. It’s crazy like that. Or it could mean, you cry about almost everything. You can’t even get your emotions in place. I can’t get my emotions in place, I mean not every time, but most times. I am volatile. I can explode easily. I am the bomb(uhm pun intended?) If you’re not one of us, count yourself lucky. You can move on easily, okay maybe not easily, but you’ll move on eventually, some of us never move on. Those specks find their way back. Move on from what exactly? I don’t know man.

Being miss floaty, volatile, I can’t even decide what color of extensions I want to get right away, yes most of us ladies actually can’t decide right away. I mean, you want brown, but that gold looks nice too. You also remember that you saw ginger on someone yesterday, and you’re confused, but what about us, even after getting that ginger, we think we should have gone with wine. “Should that even be a thing”? Sorry. Most of us are floaty like that.

I am writing this post, piece, or whatever you want to call it at. 05:00 AM. That does not happen often. I mean I write, but not this early. I haven’t quite perfected waking up early, I’m sorry. “Why am I apologizing?” I don’t know either. Since we’re doing “words”, the next word is “spontaneity”. Some of us do things, just because. We are not exactly calculating. We don’t calculate down to the last letter. I know, that could spell doom to our self-development. Am I saying non-floaty, non-volatile people are not spontaneous? No, I’m not. I’m just saying, spontaneity might just be our whole personality. I know, I know, maybe it’s a bad thing. But if I wasn’t spontaneous, this post, piece, or whatever you call it would not be birthed.

Yes, so maybe volatility makes people like us more creative. I don’t know. But now, that I think about it, the most creative things I’ve done came from being unpredictable, I just did it. And it was nice. To be fair to the non-floaty, non-volatile people, they do things spontaneously too. Who doesn’t?

Hey, I’ve been talking about our weaknesses. Time for strengths. Yayyy!

Dear floaty, volatile, ever-spontaneous person, nothing is wrong with you. You’re not defective. Being this way, only means you can adapt. You can fit into most situations, and you can quickly settle, into new spaces, and new things. When you go to a new place, strange and unfamiliar, you can adapt to the situations there. When your circumstances change, you won’t have problems going with it.

Being this way, also means you get to explore, since you have a lot of interests and you can’t seem to decide on one thing. Right. It should be “we” cus damn, I think I’m the ringleader. I might just be the most floaty person I know.

Being this way, also means we get to do exciting things. You know, we’re not fixated on something. We can have fun. We can experience new things and adventures. We get to have a taste of everything. How sweet is that?

Being us, means we are creative because we’re open to new ideas, we experience new things, and we’re not rigid.

So next time, you might want to feel sorry for yourself, remember your strengths, not your weaknesses.

Don’t clap for me, if you didn’t enjoy this piece.




Taking you through the inner workings of my mind, one post at a time.