Is your destiny in your hands?

2 min readSep 5, 2024


Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

Have you ever thought about what you were destined to do? What if you were supposed to go along just one path in life? Well, I’ve always had this question on my mind and I haven’t found an answer yet. Is there even an answer to this question?

Growing up in a home where we believe God has ordained certain things to happen in each individual’s life, I have always wondered if the cliché: your destiny is in your hands holds.

If my destiny is in my hands if I have choices to make, what about what has been predestined?

According to the dictionary, Destiny means a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency.

This question comes to my mind most times if I think about how free-spirited I am. Maybe that’s not the word I am looking for, but I am free-spirited.

Even when I was younger, I don’t think I’ve ever had strong attachments to a particular thing, okay maybe food, that has always been as constant as K.

While some kids made airplanes from cardboard and some had always been interested in how things work, I was very much just there. I didn’t want anything.

It might shock you but even as an adult today, I don’t have something I’ll die for. But I heard somewhere that, people like us, who are not talented in big things, can do anything. We can flourish in any industry. We can do anything we set out to do, as long as we put our minds to it.

Not being super good at anything might be a blessing after all.




Taking you through the inner workings of my mind, one post at a time.