On making excuses…

2 min readSep 2, 2024


Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Humans might not be good at a lot of things but one thing we’re the best at is making excuses.

We make excuses for the slightest inconvenience, even when the tiniest issues arise. Why? excuses are convenient. They are low-risk, and also comforting in a way.

For as long as humans have existed, we’ve loved shortcuts. Well, maybe it’s not entirely our fault. Evolution is the one to blame. You see, our progenitors, in a bid to survive, might have developed the attitude of avoiding situations that seemed like threats or required too much energy. They took the easy way out. they just thought. “Oh, this is easy, let’s do it” and boom our brain took note of that and said, “Oh sure, I love easy, I can do that”.

Next time you make excuses, know that it is innate, it’s not entirely your fault, I mean you didn’t make your brain or make it go through diverse genetic changes.

Fine. Facts established. You make excuses not because you particularly want to, but because your brain enables it.

But what about when there weren’t even excuses for you to make? You ramble on about hindrances that weren’t even there. The ones created by your inner mind. For yourself and by yourself.

If I were asked to define excuses, I’d say it’s a cage, or say the collectively abhorred “comfort zone”. You want to stay right there. Not moving an inch, because you have thought about a million ways why that thing could go wrong. You have built this wall of impossibilities around yourself. Constantly saying “No, I don’t want to do it”.

And it’s more fear than procrastination. When you are scared, you avoid, once this avoidance attitude continues, it might become hard to break free. Fear makes you want to know the end even before you start. You don’t know how it ends, so you don’t do it at all.

Now, I’m not in the position to advise on how to avoid making excuses, because I almost did not post this piece. I had tons of excuses. “Who would read my stuff”, “what if what I write talks to nobody” and so on. But here we are, you are reading this because I didn’t care about the what ifs, I didn’t make the excuse of not being perfect.

Next time you cook up ways to avoid, you can either think about the what-ifs or just do it anyway, which will it be?

If this piece spoke to you, even in the littlest way, you can clap for me(you can clap up to 50 times).




Taking you through the inner workings of my mind, one post at a time.